SaSI Innovation

We provide safety solutions to industries

Our Services

We provide safety solutions to industries

We are driven by a desire to provide goods and services that will benefit Thai industry while keeping prices low so that valuable client resources can be optimized.


InnoSIF™ is a sophisticated tool aiding the SIL assessment by making complicated process simplified, yet realistic and flexible based on data optimization concept.


H-Analyst™ is another sophisticated tool developed by SaSI Innovation. It is aimed at aiding the hazard identification study, i.e. HAZOP and HAZID, early in the detailed engineering phase.

Training Services

Boosting functional safety capability of employees is a must to build an excellent safety culture. Skilled staff for managing safety critical elements, especially Safety Instrumented System (SIS)/Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) is a critical link to keep the process safety system robust.

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กรณีถังเก็บสารสไตรีนระเบิด – อันตรายจากปฏิกิริยาที่มีการคายความร้อนสูง (Thermal Runaway)

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